Monday, 13 February 2012

Madeira January 2012


Madeira January 2012, a set on Flickr.

These are my favourite shots from our recent holiday to Madeira.

This was our 'Baby Moon' in that it was the last time that Alice can safely travel with Bump without needing medical approval.

We had a brilliant time, loving the off season quietness! I even had a chance to try out some HDR (the rock and pool photos).

Let me know your thoughts.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Frosty Macro

Frosty Macro 15Frosty Macro 14Frosty Macro 13Frosty Macro 12Frosty Macro 11Frosty Macro 10
Frosty Macro 9Frosty Macro 8Frosty Macro 7Frosty Macro 6Frosty Macro 5Frosty Macro 4
Frosty Macro 3Frosty Macro 2Frosty Macro 1Frosty Macro 15

Frosty Macro, a set on Flickr.
Yes it's been a long time faithful readers (exactly a year in fact!) and much has changed but more on that another time.

For now, I wish to share two things with you fine people:

1) I was bought a DSLR camera for Christmas
2) I'm going to spam the social networks with my amateur offerings!

I woke up yesterday and decided to set myself a project for the morning, I would get some good close up shots of nice, frosty things. I was looking for the minute details, rather than grand landscapes. Let me know what you think. Click the link above to view the set on Flickr.

Never has the title 'Deluded' seemed quite so apt...

Steff. x