Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Modern Warfare 2 Reviews now live
This is the Reading Chronicle review, which is shorter but more concise.
This is the Geek Planet Online review, which is the fuller account.
Please let me know your thoughts (particularly which version you prefer).
Monday, 16 November 2009
Borderlands review now up
Edit: The review is now live on the Reading Chronicle website. See link to the right of this page.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
"I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain!"
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Macho, Metro Man!
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Steff starts reviewing for Geek Planet Online
Reading Festival 2009

Let's face it, if you're watching an enormous, open air concert, the sound quality is never going to be the best. For those of us who want to actually hear the music, we're left with two choices: Watch a band on one of the smaller stages where you can get closer and the tent provides better acoustics, or fight your way to the very front of the main stage. Both of these are problematic though. The best bands don't play the smaller stages and not everyone is up for the crushing, elbow session that is your average mosh pit.
So what's the solution? Well, Festival Republic are kind enough to provide us with satellite speakers. What are these? Imagine the main stage. It has massive speaker sets either side of it, yes? Well, set further back into the crowd are another set of speakers that repeat the same sound at the same time. So if you're chilling further away with your Tuborg, you still get a quality sound experience, without having to worry whether the wind will change direction and it will seem like you're listening underwater. Now, in 2008 there was another set of speakers, even further back. So you could even enjoy the band from afar whilst you eat your £4.50 portion of chips. However, this year, the extra set were nowhere to be seen, meaning there was a massive 'dead area' where if you weren't very near a speaker, the sound was washy and vague. The volume level itself wasn't high enough this year either, despite claims that this was to be the loudest one yet. This sucked big time for me.
Although admittedly I may just be getting more deaf every time I go...
Band Attitude
Terrible, terrible, terrible. Not many things annoy me more than stuck up 'artistes' acting above their stations and festivals are rife with them. The absolute worse perpetrators at this year's shindig were the headline acts. On Friday it was the Kings of Leon, who have taken their drastic restyling too seriously methinks. They played a very mediocre set but then had the gall to act pissed off when they weren't getting much of a reaction from the audience. Here's a clue, if your fans are annoyed, don't have a go at them- play better! They also refused to allow the last part of their set to the broadcast, although the TV audience probably benefited from that more than the band did.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
5 Free media servers to stream PC content to your PS3
Problem: You love digital movies and music but your shiny new Playstation 3 Slim only has a 120Gb hard disk. This is large compared to previous models, it's true but if like most you've accumulated maybe terabytes worth of media on your PC over the years, it's going to be a problem getting that onto your living room TV. So to that end we look at 5 free media servers for streaming content from PC to PS3. Bear in mind that for some of the activities described- a dual core processor or better with plenty of RAM is recommended.
Windows Media Player
Let's start with the obvious choice. Windows media player is bundled with its operating system (for now anyway) but if you've somehow misplaced yours, it's readily available on their website. The latest version is 11. By enabling sharing under 'more streaming options', it can be used as a basic media server. You'll need to 'allow' permission to your PS3 but this is a simple affair and once complete, a Windows MP icon will be accessible from your PS3's XMB (you may need to 'search' for media servers first) which will grant you access to your media library. MP3s can be expected to stream with little or no difficulty, so we ramped our tests up by using a 720p HD video file. On our wired network this streamed effortlessly to the PS3 with no hint of stutter or artefacts being introduced. So far so good, time to step things up a bit. We also had in our arsenal a 1080p Full HD video file. This had been encoded with the popular Matroska codec (notoriously difficult for the PS3 to play – despite recent firmware updates). Here WMP fell down, as without any transcoding abilities, the PS3 was able to see the file but not play it when streamed. In this case you would have to convert the file first, not ideal. This is the main problem with WMP. As a standard organisation and playback tool it's great but its media server abilities are limited. The options available are basic. It's a solid choice if you're running Windows and just need to stream music or vanilla video files but for those needing more functionality, or for Linux and Mac users, it's best to look elsewhere.
Tversity is the current media server du jour amongst streaming fans and it's easy to see why. It talked flawlessly to our PS3 with its specific pre sets and it contains enough options to tweak, without bogging the user down in ultra fine details. Our 720p file streamed flawlessly over the wired network, as did the 1080p mkv, thanks to Tversity's excellent transcoding tools, which will convert difficult files into PS3 friendly ones on-the-fly, literally as you play them. This means no waiting around to enjoy a Full HD file and this instantly puts it ahead of Windows Media Player. Where Tversity really accelerates past the rest of the pack though is with its wealth of additional features. You can expect to be able to stream RSS feeds, internet, radio and podcasts, as well as episodes of popular television programmes. Like orb, you can also access your media via any browser enabled device but this aspect is not pushed as heavily as its home network use and therefore isn't as comprehensive. There is also a paid-for version available which adds some more premium content. However this is not all available in the UK and some of it that is (such as iPlayer access) is accessible for free elsewhere. Tversity is an easy to use media server with some seriously useful features for transcoding and the additional content is a nice bonus. However, it may lack all the options needed for the serious video/audiophile and it unfortunately has no support for non Windows platforms.
PS3 media centre X
We should say right off the bat that this programme is no longer supported or being developed. It was a firm favourite of some a few years ago though, and is included here for posterity, This programme was developed by Red Kawa, who also make popular video converters. Good thing too, as this programme supports the fewest formats of any here on test. Initially running the programme, you are met with a spartan dialogue box with only 2 buttons – load the server or load the help file. Booting up the server greets us with an interesting interface, with exciting options such as games and apps. Keep your excitement in check though, as these options are no longer supported either and clicking on them confirms this with a sad error message. If all that wasn't enough, we experienced difficulty even downloading the programme, the Red Kawa site rather pointing us towards a suspect external mirror. If you absolutely must try it, download from a depository you trust. With all this in mind, we cannot possibly recommend this software, although we respect its position in the infancy of the PS3 media servers.
We are moving into something a bit different here. Orb has the same media server functionality as the other programmes here but this adds a nifty twist. It will make your PC media (and even word documents etc.) available to any web enabled device. The user creates an account on the Orb's website and chooses which files to share. It's then simply a matter of accessing the site from another device and away you go, all your shared files are available to stream and download. The applications of this are exciting, access your PC's vast MP3 collection on your iPhone, via a hotspot on a beach somewhere hot. This is similar to the remote play function that currently exists between PS3 and PSP but Orb extends that concept to any browser enabled device. This may not be needed for PS3 media server functionality, as most will have their console connected to their home network and Orb is accessible via the XMB like the others here. But go around a mate's house, fire up the PS3 browser and log in to the Orb's quick, clean and easy to use site using your details and you'll be able to access everything stored on your home PC. Unfortunately, what the Orb has in functionality, it lacks in actual performance. Streaming over the internet was fine for audio files but our 720p and 1080p files were scaled to a much lower resolution and were decidedly blocky. This could be forgiveable (and is worked around by downloading and playing locally) but the same issues were apparent when streaming over our private network. The 720p file had artefacts introduced and, due to a lack of transcoding functionality, the 1080p file would not play at all. Orb also had some trouble letting us see certain file types on PS3. The programme also has limited options, so whilst being user friendly with some great functionality, it won't satisfy the real tweakers out there and suffers somewhat in execution. Also, on a private network, there is no support for Mac or Linux.
PS3 media server
Don't confuse this with Red Kawa's old efforts, they are mirror opposites. The no-nonsense name is indicative of the creator's approach in developing this title. Born out of one man's frustration with existing software and its lack of real grunt for true audio/videophiles, Media Server contains all the options and tweaks you could possibly want. As the name suggests this is geared up for Sony's box, on booting up for the first time, the software detects any PS3 connected to the local network and configures itself accordingly. It runs in Java and so works with Mac and Linux. PS3 Media Server seemed slightly slower than others to begin streaming and whilst the 720p file was flawless, the transcoding of our 1080p file seemed to introduce some artefacts (this was with default settings though). No doubt this can be eliminated with additional tweaking but not everyone wants to have to get involved in this way. Handily, transcoded files are stored in a bespoke folder, so you always have access to the original file. PS3 media server is a powerful piece of software, with many advanced features, but it does require a high level of savvy from its user to get the best out of it.
There's a good choice of software for media servers on PC, to stream to PS3. Which one you go for depends on what you need from it. If you just want to fire it up and away you go, with the added benefits of radio et all, then Tversity is the way forward for you. If you're a true aficionado and don't mind getting your hands dirty with buffers and bit rates, or you're a Mac or Linux user looking for a free alternative, then PS3 Media Server is for you, with enough options to suit an advanced set up.
Sunday, 16 August 2009
3 Films that are far better than they have a right to be

Eddie Murphy, Steve Martin. Kings of comedy, right? Yes, in 1984! On the surface, this film appears to be the ultimate in throwaway nonsense. Two washed up comedians starring in a bland looking film with an elaborate plot. I would forgive anyone for being decidedly 'meh' when faced with this film. But, amazingly- it's very good. It has more laugh out loud moments than a dozen other comedies put together, Murphy and Martin are on top form and the writing (Martin again) is excellent.
Of course it's not all flawless. The plot relies too much on coincidence and there are no fully developed character arks, they are the same hammy stereotypes at the end of the film than they were at the beginning. Furthermore, the film never quite makes its mind up about who its target audience is. At first it seems like a jolly family romp but then sub plots involving an actress who methodically sleeps with cast and crew to further her career, or Kitt's references to racial slurs, push this into an adult sphere that the film never quite sits right in. Finally, if I'm being picky, the 'Fake Purse Ninjas' epilogue is a step too far.
However, it is this film's refusal to conform that makes it so good. By eschewing conventions of plot, character and context, Bowfinger delivers a surprising and refreshing experience and elevates itself from being the run of the mill jaunt you expect, to becoming a comedy classic.
Why shouldn't it work?
Washed up comedians, elaborate plot that doesn't do as it's told.
Why is it better than it should be?
Original and refreshing experience, with BIG laughs.

It shouldn't be good, it just shouldn't! Everything about the trailer for this film turned me off. Period costume? Check. Gloomy world war setting? Yup. Heavy emphasis on romance? Oh yes! Even the shot of Kiera Knightley soaking wet wasn't enough to get me down to the local Vue.
But then, I was a victim of circumstance. Sitting on the sofa on a rainy Sunday afternoon, flicking through the 'anytime' recordings, I spotted it and decided to take a chance. I'm so glad I did, as this film is very good.
Of course the acting, effects and sets are all of Hollywood standard but the best thing here is that the film absolutely refuses to be the tale you fear it may be.
The plot is tremendously engaging, you really care about the characters and what happens to them. The curve balls thrown in are references to child molestation, an amazing twist that turns the whole thing on its head and, in one hilarious sequence, gratuitous use of the 'c' word! Jane Austin would be turning in her tuberculosis ridden grave. Fantastic.
Throw in just the right amount of war action and genuine catharsis and you've got a modern classic that proudly bucks the trend for its genre. Of course, a soaking wet Kiera doesn't hurt either...
Why shouldn't it work?
Dreary looking, period piece style war romance.
Why is it better than it should be?
Engaging plot, great drama and swearing.

A 1950's technicolor cowboy film? Lord, save us! But bear with me here, this film is excellent.
Maybe you think that westerns begin and end with Leone's 'Dollars' trilogy? Maybe you're not a fan of the genre at all? I had shared both these views when I watched Shane for the first time. Even the conditions were wrong, I was obliged to watch it for a University project- not always the best grounds for enjoyment. But enjoy it I did, very much so.
If your western diet has mainly consisted of the spaghetti variety, then be prepared for a very different experience here. Shane may not exude the same gritty showdowns or ambivalent anti-heroes as Sergio's offerings, but it would be a massive error to presume that it does not contain the pace, excitement or passion. If you want to read a more in depth stylistic comparison between Shane and the films of Sergio Leone, I have previously written an essay on the topic, which I will post a link to.
For now, let's stick to why else this film is so good. Forget your preconceptions. You think because it's 50 years old that it's not violent? Wrong, there are bar-room brawls and gun fights to satisfy your blood lust. You think it will be too long and dialogue heavy? Wrong, at a sprightly 118 minutes. it makes The Good, The Bad and The Ugly seem like a bloated Mexican of a film. The dialogue is snappy and essential, with just the right balance of character developing conversations and rootin' tootin' fighting talk. Perhaps you think that a film of this age could only contain bland, old fashioned characters? Wrong again my little friends. Shane is a fantastic hero, he comes out of the wilderness and brings that dark side with him, meaning he has the edge to fight off the antagonists. He's not a bad guy but has some of their traits and is not fully good either. Shane returns to the wilderness when the job is done but not unscathed. He is a far more interesting character than many of today's heroes.
Shane paved the way long before The Man With No Name rode into town with his mule and poncho and inspired a new generation of European Wild West directors. That's why despite appearing dull, Shane is a classic.
Why shouldn't it work?
Old cowboy film with no Clint?
Why is it better than it should be?
The character of Shane and it's influential legacy.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article. I definitely derived pleasure from writing it. It was an interesting process deciding which three films to cover. If I were to include more, I would probably choose 3 colours red, on the waterfront and old school. My criteria was that I may have watched it begrudgingly but even if I was willing, my expectations were very low. In the end, not only was I pleasantly surprised but the film even became one of my favourites within its respective genre. Please share your thoughts below as to whether you agree with my choices, or offer up some of your own based on my criteria.
Monday, 27 July 2009
Choice Photos.
All images are ©Steff Parry 2003-2009

This was taken at The Reading University’s Whiteknights campus (hence the bits of trash lying around). I was really lucky with the light, I love the way the white is totally burned out but only fragments filter through the branches. The digital camera I used for this shot was such an old brick that it’s amazing it captured the detail it did. This photo was actually used as the basis for a photography competition by a website once. They spelled my name wrong on the application form. Bastards.
This is my favourite photo of mine that I’ve shot in recent years. There is an amazing cemetery in Havana, Cuba which is full of burial tombs such as this. I barely had to crouch for this shot, it was so tall. The sun was shining but it became slightly overcast when I took this, which really lends a moody atmosphere to the shot. I have no idea who was buried here but my respects to his family for giving them such an impressive monument as their final resting place. Stop
Taken in Long Island, New York. This sign really appealed to me. It’s weathered, beaten, but still authoritative. It’s like an ageing mobster saying “Hey, yooz better stop that automobile right now or I’ll slam yerz head in the door” Maybe. What the hell does ‘All Way’ mean?

A farm house near Gaillac, France is the scene for our final shot in my choice pics. I really love this area, it’s full of great, rustic scenes. I think the autumn setting is perfect for this, the general theme being decay. I shot this on an old 35mm SLR camera, which again is in keeping with the mood of the shot. The farmer probably still gets some use out of this bad boy.
Well I hope you enjoyed seeing a few of my favourite photos. I am a hobby photographer mainly. I hardly ever shoot posed photos, preferring to snap random pictures as I see them. I should probably mention that apart from some slight cropping, I haven’t done any post production work on these photos. With the technology available in today’s compacts, it’s really easy to shoot some great photos very easily. Let me know your thoughts below.
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